Pedestrian Injuries
Some of the most catastrophic injuries can happen when a vehicle collides with a pedestrian. If you or a loved one were hit by a vehicle, you might be wondering what to do. It is imperative to find an attorney with experience with pedestrian accident lawsuits to guide you through the process in order to maximize your recovery and to focus on your health. It might come as a surprise that pedestrian accident lawsuits are more complicated than many other accidents involving automobiles or motorcycles. For that reason, it is very important to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer as quickly as possible.
The Nashua personal injury lawyers at Hamblett & Kerrigan, P.A., have been successfully representing victims of pedestrian accidents and personal injury lawsuits of all kinds for over the course of the last century. Our lawyers typically offer representation on a contingency fee, meaning that you do not pay anything unless there is a successful outcome.
Please call Hamblett & Kerrigan, P.A., today at 603-883-5501 to schedule a free consultation on your claim.